Residential Projects
Say goodbye to noisy neighbours
There’s nothing worse than living next door to noisy neighbours is there?
It’s one of the biggest sources of stress, and not only can it affect your health, but your wallet - particularly if you’re a letting agent or a contractor. If there’s lots of noise coming from right beside the house you’re trying to sell or let, then it’s not likely to attract any buyers is it!
Metropolitan - noise reduction specialists
At Metropolitan our noise reduction specialists are highly adept professionals, helping you find the best solution with dependable residential sound testing.
Regardless of the type of noise you’re concerned about, Metropolitan’s noise specialists can help. We’ve a comprehensive range of sound solutions which will help reduce residential noise, and you’ll be surprised by the exceptional levels of sound reduction we can achieve.
Whether the problem’s loud music, or noise from wooden floorboards, Metropolitan’s acoustic consultants have the solution.
We can help you solve all your residential sound problems. Here are just some of the noise problems and solutions we’ve come up with as noise reduction specialists, over the years....
- Our specialist acoustic consultants have helped in-house recording studios reduce their noise dramatically.
- Our noise reduction specialists have minimised the noise from tiled floors in old buildings.
- Metropolitan noise specialists have installed effective sound-proofing solutions in newly converted lofts.
- As acoustic design experts we’ve even been able to install acoustic flooring beneath hardwood floors (which were already nailed.)
- Our acoustic design services have even managed to prevent the spread of office gossip!
The top and bottom, is whatever your residential sound problem, Metropolitan’s noise specialists can help.
We’ve even created and easy to follow guide, to take you through each step of the residential sound testing and solution process...
- Give us a call and we can discuss all elements of your residential sound problem and get an idea of the action that’s needed.
- We’ll come and see exactly what the problem is. We’ll visit you and take a look at the construction of your building, in order to review what treatment might be needed.
- Our acoustic design specialists will review which sound reduction solution would be best, from both a time and budget perspective. Metropolitan sound reduction specialists will contact all necessary 3rd parties at this stage.
- Our noise reduction specialists will carry out a full review and complete a comprehensive report. We’ll provide cross section diagrams and sketches outlining all elements of the proposed acoustic design solution needed to meet Part E requirements.
- At this point our noise reduction specialists will provide a competitive quote for carrying out the residential sound test. Then once you’re happy, we’ll get on with it!
- Acting as an acoustic consultant we’ll advise builders on all aspects of design and installation, so they’re fully aware of what’s needed.
- Wherever possible we’ll take advantage of our business partnerships to source reduced price materials.
What is Part E & what does it involve?
Noise control in residential buildings in England and Wales is regulated according to an ‘Approved Document E’. This particlar building reg applies to any kind of residential ‘dwelling’, be it a house, apartment, student apartment, nurses quarters, hotels. And it also applies to residences which have been converted to provide new residental accommodation.
The overall aim of the regulation is to protect the public from noise pollution, whether that’s coming from adjoining properties or from outside transport... The policy stipulates that "new housing and residential environments should be well designed and should make a significant contribution to promoting urban renaissance and improving the quality of life". So basically, if you’re responsible for any kind of residential development, you’ll have to outline the noise reduction solutions you’ll put in place to minimise any potential problems. Our comprehensive sound tests will enable you to demonstrate your development or residence, meets all the relevant criteria.